In today’s world, everyone wants to be successful in life. To others, it may appear unfit, but achievement requires a great deal of effort. Hi, I am Bethany, an 18-year old, grade 12 STEM student. And as you give your ample time in going through my blog, may you learn something from me! Because just like you, I also aspire to make it big one day. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Success. How exactly would one define this mere eight-letter word?
Experiencing success is undoubtedly pure bliss. But of course, success entails more than just putting your nose to the grindstone. Always keep in mind that maintaining a positive mindset can go a long way towards ensuring your path to where you want in the near future.
Here are some tips and tools to boost em!
1. Take notes on your mistakes and learn from them.
I guarantee that everybody who has achieved success can rattle off a number of setbacks along the way. I've been there before. As I continue to study from the bottom up to where I am today, it wasn’t always smooth sailing. I made a lot of mistakes along the way, but I tried to learn something from every setback. I understood that you can learn just as much from a terrible teacher as you can from a good one. I learned that if you let it be, every defeat is a victory. So, if you've failed, don't be too hard on yourself. Move on after brushing yourself off, analyze what happened, and decide on how you can do things differently in the future. It's not your wins that will define your potential to succeed; it's how you handle your losses.
2. Get engaged.
Allow yourself 10-20 minutes each day to be exposed to something that truly inspires you. Watch a video that will encourage you. Thank someone who went out of their way for you with a thank you note. Making this a daily priority, regardless of how you become motivated, can help you sustain your momentum.
3. As stepping stones to your achievement, set little goals.
When we're caught up in the daily grind, it's easy to become fixated on the fact that we haven't yet achieved our ultimate goal of success. So take the time to make small, frequent goals for yourself, and then reward yourself in some way when you achieve them. The best approach to do this is to write down a huge, ambitious goal and then list all of the "small goals" you'll need to accomplish it. Put dates next to those micro-goals, and focus on each step by blocking off non-negotiable, realistic time—work dates with yourself—to complete them.
4. Be versatile.
Not everything will go according to plan, therefore keeping emotional fitness is essential. You won't always complete all of your objectives on schedule, or perhaps at all... that's OK. That's how life is. Be willing to make changes when they arise. If you're stuck, talk to a friend who might be able to help you see things from a different perspective. It's critical to be able to adjust and roll with the punches if you want to stay on track for success.
5. Positive self-talk is beneficial.
We can be our own greatest enemies at times, so it's vital to be aware of how we speak to ourselves. Encourage your own self-confidence. Give yourself a compliment. Reward yourself for your efforts. Keep in mind, though, that you must remain reasonable and grounded. It will assist you in being focused on your journey and realistic about what you can achieve and when you can do it.
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When it comes to attaining our goals, nothing beats hard effort and perseverance, but keeping our heads in the right place along the road is also crucial. If you follow these simple steps, you'll develop the positive, balanced mindset you need to achieve your goals.
Before you ruin yourself, make sure you check yourself.
- Bethany B.
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photo credits: ways-to-honor-your-2020-graduates/