"Racket Boys" is a Netflix and SBS original drama series that premiered on May 31, 2021 and is currently available to stream on Netflix. The plot of the kdrama "Racket Boys" centers around a group of teenage boys and girls who aspire to be badminton stars.
Ra Young Ja, a former badminton player, was a major celebrity in his day. He is now the coach at Haenam Middle School. His team consists of 16 inexperienced adolescent lads and girls. Ra Young Ja, despite this, decides to train them for the junior athletic tournament.
A badminton coach and devoted father, Yoon Hyeon-jong (Kim Sang-kyung), is trying to fulfill his family's costs. They run upon Ra Yeong-ja (Oh Na-ra), a global and junior high school coach known as "Ranos," as well as national athlete Se-Yoon (Hae-kang) Racket Boys learn to queue up for the next competition, which motivates them to work harder to meet the challenge. Hyeon-jong explains to Hae-kang that at the zenith of her career, she gave up the Olympics and retired in order to have a baby. Se-Yoon is dealing with the pressure of everyone's expectations ahead of her international tournament in New Zealand. He apologizes for previous misunderstandings, recalls a childhood encounter, and tells her it's good to lose. On her advice, he pretends to be ill in order to reconcile with his mother.
Coach Bae arranges for a cash advance against funding. Jeong In-sol wishes to play badminton, but his father requests that Yoon Hyeon-jong force his son to withdraw so that he can arrange for finding. Yoon-dam, Hae-kang and the Hamlet Chief hold a brainstorming session to generate ideas for revitalizing their village. Se-Yoon is dealing with the pressure of everyone's expectations ahead of her international tournament in New Zealand. The Racket Boys are on the hunt for the truth behind the White Wolf rumors. Jeong In-sol wants to play badminton, but his father discourages him from doing so. Hyeon-jong says why she quit the Olympics and retired after becoming pregnant.
Big Gran regains her ability to speak at the last moment and apologizes to Ms Shin before passing away. Han-sol, Yoon-dam, Se-yoon, and Hae-kang are forced to help out in a rural village after moving from the city. In flashbacks, the city couple's past and what drove them to the rural are revealed. Coach Chan grills the kids hard, and they are overworked. Hae-kang forgives Yong-tae for beating the boys ten years ago after the draft match.
Coach Hyeon-jong received word from the hospital that crucial players' knee ligament damage was deteriorating. Then Hae-kang appears and informs them that he is unable to see with his right eye. Hae-kang and Woo-chan of Jeonnam Vs Park Chan and friend of Seoul. In-father sol's is rooting for his son as he competes in a doubles match against Racket Boys. Yong-tae progresses from student to 'junior coach,' assisting a group of young people in learning discipline. Im Se-yeon regards Im Seo-hyeon, whom she calls her idol, as her idol.
As we move forward to 2022, time passes in a truly lovely shot. Yong-Tae progresses from student to instructor, guiding a group of young people through the disciplines of badminton. Simultaneously, a worried guy arrives in the community to find out what's going on. Interviews begin as well, with all of the kids dressed in wonderfully outrageous clothes. The guys gradually dress appropriately and each says his or her piece.
As it moves closer to a summer competition, the badminton games continue. In-father Sol's is on hand to support his son, complete with a cute sparkly placard. On a different court, Se-Yoon and Hae-Kang compete in a doubles match. The series comes to an end as this tournament begins.
The show is essentially a diamond in the rough; emphasis on the diamond, and emphasis on the rough, heh. It's rough around the edges, with one of those rough edges being a somewhat fragmented approach to storytelling, but the warmth and community feels it gives are so excellent, and so strong, that you're more than prepared to overlook its flaws.
The young ensemble truly shines in here, with the adult characters largely serving as sources of advice and encouragement. The young cast is sincere, competent, and all-around credible, not only as individuals but also as a group.